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Constitution of Thornton-le-Moor Village Society

The name of the Society will be the Thornton-le-Moor Village Society.

The purposes of the Society will be to promote activities and events in Thornton-le-Moor for the mutual interest, benefit and enjoyment of the village community, and to raise funding for the support of such activities and events.


  1. Committee

Responsibility for the day-to-day running of the Society and the administration of its affairs will be vested in the Committee, which will comprise Officers, namely Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and Publicity Officer, and other Committee Members elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Committee will have the power to fill any casual vacancy amongst Officers and to co-opt further Members to the Committee to serve until the following AGM. A quorum for meetings of the Committee will comprise 5 members. The Chairperson or Secretary will prepare an agenda for each meeting and the Secretary or nominated Deputy (Committee Member) will maintain a record, as Minutes, of the proceedings of the meeting.  The Minutes of the previous meeting will be submitted for approval and Matters Arising will be dealt with before the agenda proceeds. In the absence of the Chairperson, the Committee will appoint a Chairperson for that meeting from amongst its Members. Decisions will be carried by a simple majority of those voting.  If necessary, the Chairperson will have a casting vote. The meetings of the Committee will be open to all residents of the Parish of Thornton-le-Moor as Observers.
      b)  Annual General Meeting
Overall responsibility for the Society will be vested in the AGM, which will be held between 1st January and 31st March.  All residents of the Parish of Thornton-le-Moor will be eligible to attend and vote.

The AGM will:
(i) approve the Minutes of the previous AGM and review Matters Arising;
(ii) receive the Annual Report of the Chairperson;
            (iii) approve the Treasurer’s Report;
            (iv) discuss motions and business notified beforehand, which are included in the Agenda;
            (v) elect the Officers and Committee Members;
            (vi) discuss the Programme of Events for the coming year;
            (vii) consider Any Other Business, including motions and business raised by those present.

Nominations for Officers (duly seconded) and Committee Members (with the consent of the nominees), will be made before or at the AGM.  The Officers and Committee Members will relinquish office each year at the time of the AGM and will be eligible for re-election. At least ten days’ notice will be given of the AGM. A quorum at the AGM will comprise 10 residents of the Parish, of whom at least 5 must be Committee Members. A simple majority of those voting will carry decisions.  If necessary, the Chairperson will have a casting vote.

  1. Special General Meeting

A Special General Meeting (SGM) will be held at the written request of 10 residents of the Parish of Thornton-le-Moor or by a decision of the Committee.  Within 21 days of the receipt of such a
request, which will give notice of the motion or business to be discussed, at least 10 days’ notice of the SGM will be given to all residents of the Parish (who will be eligible to vote), setting
      out the motion or business to be discussed. The SGM will consider only such business as
      appears on the agenda for the meeting. Decisions will be by a simple majority of those present and
voting.  If necessary, the Chairperson will have a casting vote. A quorum will be 20 residents of the Parish. 

The Society will maintain a bank account in which will be deposited all monies received by the Society and from which all payments will be made. Authorisation for the withdrawal of cash or of payments by cheque will require the signatures of two of the Committee Members, at least one of whom must be an Officer. Details of all items of income and expenditure (based on a financial year ending on 31st December) will be maintained and set out in the Treasurer’s Report, which will be presented to an AGM not later than 3 months after the end of each financial year. The Committee will, out of the monies received by the Society, meet all proper expenses of administration of the Society and will make such payments as are directed by an AGM, a SGM, or as agreed by the Committee. The Society may not borrow money without the approval of an AGM or a SGM. Officers or Committee Members may not derive any financial benefit from being members of the Village Society.

Public Liability
The Society will take out appropriate Public Liability Insurance cover for all the activities and events which are arranged by the Society.

Thornton-le-Moor Village Show & Sports Day
The Society’s responsibilities include the arrangements for and management of the TLM Village Show & Sports Day.  It will publish, prior to each Show, a Schedule of Show classes and events, together with the rules pertaining and other information.

Specific Activity Groups
The Committee may establish Specific Activity Groups to act on behalf of the Committee for particular activities or events. 

In appointing such groups, the Committee will:
(i) specify its terms of reference;
(ii) determine whether it is a permanent or temporary group and, if the latter, its lifetime;
(iii) identify its membership and ensure that there is at least one representative of the Committee (elected or co-opted);
(iv) agree the means and intervals of reporting back to the Committee.

Amendments to the Constitution
The Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority of those voting at an AGM or a SGM, any such amendment being dealt with by an appropriate Notice of Motion.

Dissolution of the Society
If the Committee decides that it is advisable to dissolve the Village Society, it will give notice at an AGM or a SGM, as detailed above, which will set out the motion and contain proposals as to the disposal of any remaining funds. For these purposes only, decisions will be by a two-thirds majority of the residents of the Parish present and voting.
